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About enel-med


Shareholder Number of shares % of capital Number of votes % of votes
Adam Rozwadowski* 6.674.100 28,3% 6.674.100 28,3%
Anna Rozwadowska* 6. 674.145 28,3% 6. 674.145 28,3%
Generali OFE** 3.600.000 15,3% 3.600.000 15,3%
OFE PZU ,,Złota Jesień"** 2.057.735 8,7% 2.057.735 8,7%
Jacek Rozwadowski * 1.013.746 4,3% 1.013.746 4,3%
Bartosz Rozwadowski * 972.650 4,1% 972.650 4,1%
Pozostali akcjonariusze 2.574.524 10,9% 2.574.524 10,9%

* there is a presumption of an agreement between Adam Stanisław Rozwadowski, Anna Maria Rozwadowska, Jacek Jakub Rozwadowski and Bartosz Adam Rozwadowski regarding the acquisition of the Company’s shares or concerted voting at the general meeting or conducting a long-term policy towards the Company. In total, they hold 15,334,641 shares (approx. 65% of the share capital of the Company) authorising them to cast 15,334,641 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders (approx. 65% of votes).

** According to the information obtained in connection with the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. of 7 July 2020