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11/2014 Passing a resolution to increase the share capital of the subsidiary Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka sp. z o.o. and taking up the newly created shares by the Company

Zarząd Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby informs that on 28 February 2014 the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the subsidiary Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka sp. z o.o. passed a resolution on increasing the share capital from PLN 5,000.00 (five thousand zlotys) to PLN 500,000 (five hundred thousand zlotys), i.e. by PLN 495,000 (four hundred ninety five thousand zlotys) by creating 4,950 (four thousand nine hundred fifty) shares, each with a nominal value of PLN 100 (one hundred zlotys).

All the newly created shares were assigned to be taken up by the Company. The shares being taken up by Company are to be paid in full by way of non-cash contribution (in-kind contribution) in the form of an organisationally and financially separated collection of tangible and intangible assets used for providing services of diagnostic imagining in the following medical facilities: Diagnostic Unit Bielany in Warsaw, MRI Laboratory in Konin, MRI Laboratory in Mielec, Computer Tomography Laboratory in Poznań, MRI Laboratory in ‎‎‎‎ Łomży, Computer Tomography Laboratory in Wołomin and Diagnostic Laboratory in Lublin being an organised part of the enterprise that is able to function independently as an enterprise.

All the newly created shares were taken up by the Company on 28 February 2014. The Company holds 100% of shares in the share capital of Centrum Medyczne sp. z o.o.