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24/2014 Conclusion of an agreement on transfer of the Company’s shares Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o.

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (hereinafter referred to as: the Company) hereby informs that on 29 May 2014 the Company and a subsidiary company under the business name Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. concluded an agreement on transfer of the Company’s share in the initial capital of the company under the business name Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o.

Under the agreement, the Company transferred to the subsidiary company under the business name Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. 5,000.00 (five thousand) shares in the company Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. of the nominal value of PLN 100.00 (one hundred) each, of total nominal value of PLN 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand) (hereinafter referred to as: the Shares). The total market value of the Shares was estimated at the amount of PLN 50,995,000.00 (fifty million, nine hundred and ninety-five thousand). The contributed shares constitute 100% of shares in the initial capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. and entitle to exercise 100% of votes at the Shareholders Meeting of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o.

The Shares constitute in-kind contribution to cover 509.950 (five hundred nine thousand, nine hundred and fifty) new shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o., established by the resolution of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o
dated as of 29 May 2014.

Prior to conclusion of the discussed agreement the company held 100% of shares in the initial capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. and as a result of the aforementioned agreement 100% of shares in the initial capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. a o.o. was acquired by Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o.

The parties to the agreement i.e. the Company and the subsidiary company under the business name Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. are bound by the following equity links: The Company holds 100% of shares in the initial capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. and 100% of votes at the Shareholders Meeting of this company. Furthermore, there are personal connections: Adam Stanisław Rozwadowski is both the President of the Management Board of the Company and the President of the Management Board of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o., whilst Jacek Jakub Rozwadowski is both the Vice-President of the Company and the Vice-President of the Management Board of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o.

The criterion of recognizing the assets that are the subject matter of the agreement as the assets of significant value is the market value of the Shares.

Acquisition of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. by Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa  Sp. z o.o. is of short-term investment nature – contribution of 100% of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o., the subsidiary company constitutes a stage preparing for acquisition of external investor or sale of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. which the Company informed of in the current report No. 41/2013.

The Supervisory Board of the Company in resolution No. 01/05/2014 dated as of 28 May 2014 expressed its consent for conclusion of this agreement. The Management Board of the Company was obliged in the resolution No. 3 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company dated as of 2 October 2013 to obtain the Supervisory Board consent for disposal of the Company’s shares.