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2/2011 Shares series A, B, C, and D and rights to ordinary bearer shares series D of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. admitted to trading on the Stock Exchange

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that on 9 June 2011 it received the resolution no. 733/2011 of 8 June 2011 of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on admitting to trading on the primary market on the Stock Exchange:
1) 12,000,000 ordinary bearer shares series A with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
2) 2,183,500 ordinary bearer shares series B with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
3) 2,283,400 ordinary bearer shares series C with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
4) 7,100,000 ordinary bearer shares series D with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each,
5) 7,100,000 rights to ordinary bearer shares series D with a nominal value of PLN 1,00 each.

Shares referred to in points 1), 2), 3), 4) shall be admitted to trading on the Stock Exchange subject to registration of the increased share capital of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. as a result of the issue of shares series D.

Based on resolution no. 464/11 of 26 May 2011 of the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities S.A. (“KDPW”), the Management Board of KDPW granted to the Company the status of the KDPW participant, ISSUER type, and admitted to the depository for securities 16,466,900 ordinary bearer shares of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A., with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each, including:
a) 12,000,000 series A shares;
b) 2,183,500 series B shares;
c) 2,283,400 series C shares;
and marked these shares with PLENLMD00017 code, subject to admission of these shares to trading on the regulated market.
Based on Resolution no. 486/11 of 6 June 2011, as at 8 June 20111, the Management Board of KDPW decided to register 7,100,000 rights to ordinary bearer shares series D with a nominal value of PLN 1.00 each in the National Depository for Securities and mark them with PLENLMD00025 code.
Legal basis: Article 56 point 1 item 2 of the Act on the offering – current and periodic information.