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26/2011 Conclusion of a major agreement

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that on 8 November 2011 the Company received the signed investment loan agreement concluded with Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. (“Bank”) on 7 November 2011.

In accordance with the agreement concluded, the Bank would grant to the Issuer the investment loan amounting to PLN 7,000,000.00. The loan will be granted for the period starting 7 November 2011, with final maturity date on 5 November 2016. The interest rate is based on variable interest rate – WIBOR 1M plus margin.

Conclusion of the investment loan agreement is an element of the interest cost optimisation programme.

Terms of the agreement do not differ from market terms.

The agreement has been recognised as a significant one, since its value exceeds 10% of the equity of the Issuer.