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29/2011 Conclusion of a significant agreement

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that on 29 November 2011 the Company received the signed agreement on the loan in Polish zloty for the purposes of investment financing, concluded with ING Bank Śląski S.A. (“Bank”).

In accordance with the agreement concluded, the Bank grants to the Issuer the loan for investment financing and for other loan refinancing, amounting to PLN 10,000,000. The loan is granted for the period until 30 September 2017 and is to be used for financing investment purchases of medical equipment for hospitals and outpatient clinics, telecommunications and IT equipment, as well as for refinancing loans already incurred for the aforementioned equipment. The interest rate is based on variable interest rate set by the Bank based on WIBOR 1M plus margin.

Terms of the agreement do not differ from market terms.

The agreement has been recognised as a significant one, since its value exceeds 10% of the equity of the Issuer.