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12/2011 Conclusion of a significant agreement with Philips Lighting Poland S.A. for the provision of medical services

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that on 1 July 2011 the Company received the agreement for the provision of medical services, signed by Philips Lighting Poland S.A.

The subject of the agreement shall be the provision of medical services for employees of Philips Lighting Poland S.A. The services will be provided at the Branch of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED NZOZ – “Philips” Health Care Centre (Przychodnia Przyzakładowa “Philips”) located in Piła, ul. Kossaka 150. Medical services exceeding the scope of services provided by the Health Care Centre will be provided at centres of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED and at partnership centres cooperating with ENEL-MED.

The agreement has been concluded for three years and will come into force as of 1 August 2011. The value of the agreement depends on the number of persons covered by the package in a given month, and might reach about PLN 2,448,080.00 during the three-year term of the agreement.
The agreement has been recognised as a significant one, since its value exceeds 10% of the equity of the issuer.