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15/2014 Conclusion of an annex to the significant agreement with Bank Millennium S.A.

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. would like to inform you that on 21 March 2014 the Company signed with Bank Millennium S.A. (“Bank”) the annex to the agreement extending the multi-product line that expires on 24 March 2014.

In accordance with the annex concluded, the Bank granted the Company the global limit of PLN 17,000,000 (the value of the limit was reduced by PLN 3,000,000 vs. the previous agreement). The line will be used to finance current activities and to provide bank guarantee required for the purposes of leasing the space for medical centres (up to PLN 7,000,000). The annex was concluded for the period from 25 March 2014 to 24 April 2015.

The line interest rate is based on variable interest rate – WIBOR 1M plus margin. Except reducing the mortgage amount from PLN 34,000,000 to PLN 28,900,000, the line collateral would not change (it was described in the current report no. 14/2013).

Terms of the annex do not differ from market terms.

This annex has been recognised as a significant one, since its value exceeds 10% of the equity of the Issuer.