25/2013 Conclusion of an annex to the agreement for the provision of medical services with Raiffeisen Bank Polska
The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. would like to inform you that on 2 August 2013, the annex to the agreement with Raiffeisen Bank Polska was concluded, adding employees of Polbank (the company acquired by Raiffeisen Bank Polska) to persons covered by medical subscriptions.
The subject of the annex is the provision of medical service, including occupational medicine services, preventive care and other medical services to employees of Raiffeisen Bank Polska and their families.
The annex to the agreement was concluded for 17 months without an early termination option, with an option to automatically extend it for the next 19 months. The annex comes into force as at 01 August 2013.
The value of the annex depends on the number of persons covered by the medical package, and might reach about PLN 6,455,462.00 for 17 months.
The agreement has been recognised as a significant one, since its value exceeds 10% of the equity of the Company.