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41/2013 Establishment of a subsidiary and intent to contribute shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to this subsidiary

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Issuer”) would like to inform you that on 21 November 2013, the Management Board passed the resolution on the Issuer establishing the subsidiary – limited liability company that would operate under the name of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. At a later state, the Issuer will transfer 100% of shares in the share capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. as the contribution for the purposes of increasing the share capital of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o.

In accordance with the decision of the Management Board, the contribution of 100% of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. will be preceded by the Issuer transferring to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. the organised part of the Issuer’s enterprise, comprising tangible fixed assets and intangible assets used for the purposes of carrying out diagnostic imaging activities at the following facilities: Bielany Diagnostic Centre in Warsaw, Magnetic Resonance Laboratory at Grunwaldzka Centre in Gdańsk, Magnetic Resonance Laboratory in Konin, Magnetic Resonance Laboratory in Mielec, Computed Tomography Laboratory in Poznań, Magnetic Resonance Laboratory in Łomża, Computed Tomography Laboratory in Wołomin and the Diagnostic Laboratory in Lublin (hereinafter: Organised Party of the Enterprise). The Issuer has notified of its intent to contribute the Organised Party of the Enterprise to the subsidiary operating under the name of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. in current report no. 28/2013.

Contributing 100% of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. to Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. requires obtaining prior consent of the Supervisory Board of the Issuer to this act, and the Management Board was obliged to obtain such consent by resolution no. 3 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 2 October 2013. The Issuer has notified of the content of this resolution in current report no. 32/2013.

Establishment of the subsidiary Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o., to which 100% of shares in the subsidiary operating under the name of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o. would be contributed, is a preparatory stage in the process of targeting a potential external investor or preparation for sale of shares in Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Sp. z o.o.

On 22 November 2013, after obtaining consent of the Supervisory Board on 22 November 2013, in order to implement the resolution of the Management Board of 21 November 2013, the Issuer established the subsidiary under the name of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (limited liability company), with its registered office in Warsaw, in which the Issuer took over 50 shares with a nominal value of PLN 100.00 each, i.e. shares with a total nominal value of PLN 5,000.00, making up 100% of this company’s share capital. Shares are going to be covered by cash contribution of PLN 5,000.00 financed from own resources of the Issuer. The core business of the subsidiary operating under the name of Centrum Medyczne Diagnostyka Obrazowa Sp. z o.o. will be the provision of medical services in the area of computed tomography and magnetic resonance.