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7/2011 Significant share packages

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that today it received the information on the letter from Generali Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. (hereinafter: “Generali”), notifying that as a result of acquiring the Company’s shares, Generali became the holder of rights to shares series D. After the registration of shares series D and exercising rights to shares, Generali will held 1,500,000 shares series D, which after increasing the share capital, will account for 6.36% of the share capital and votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
Before the transaction, Generali has not hold any shares or rights to shares of the Company. The aforementioned letter is enclosed.
Legal basis: Article 70 point 1 of the Act on the offering – purchase or sale of a significant share package.