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Aktualności inwestora
13 June 2011

5/2011 Closing of subscription and sale

Taking into account closing of the public offering, the Management Board of CENTRUM MEDYCZNE ENEL-MED S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (Issuer) would like to present the information on closing of subscription and allocation of shares: 1. Subscription start date: 24 May 2011, subscription closing date: 31 May 2011 [...]

13 June 2011

6/2011 Signing a significant agreement with Siemens Sp. z o.o.

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that today it received the information on signing the agreement for delivery, installation and start-up of devices and software to be located at the department of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. in Gdańsk, Al. Grunwaldzka 163 and [...]

9 June 2011

1/2011 Joining the Electronic Information Exchange System

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S.A. (“Company”) would like to inform you that on 8 June 2011 the Company joined the Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES). The Company will start to exchange the information using the EIES in accordance with the rules laid down by generally binding legal [...]
