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8/2015 Correction of current report no. 8/2015: Purchase of shares by a person being a member of the Company’s management authorities

The Management Board of Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED Spółka Akcyjna, with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter: Company), would like to hereby present the correction of current report no. 8/2015 of 28 April 2015.

Current report no. 8/2015 mistakenly informs that on 27 April 2015, Jacek Jakub Rozwadowski – Vice President of the Management Board of the Company purchased shares in the Company “at the price of PLN 11.30 per share,” while shares on that day were purchased “at the price of PLN 11.60 per share.”

Taking into account the above, the Management Board of the Company would like to correct the content of current report no. 8/2015 of 28 April 2015 in such way that the fourth bullet point reading:

on 27 April 2015 – he purchased 1,711 shares at the price of PLN 11.30 per share. The transaction was concluded during the session on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

shall read as follows:

on 27 April 2015 – he purchased 1,711 shares at the price of PLN 11.60 per share. The transaction was concluded during the session on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.”

The need to correct the content of current report no. 8/2015 is due to the Management Board identifying obvious clerical error with respect to presentation of the price of purchase of shares in the Company on 27 April 2015. As a result of identifying this error, the Company’s Management Board decided to immediately correct the report in question.

The remaining text of current report no. 8/2015 of 28 April 2015 shall not change.