
Dental makeover – Lidia

Presentation of the dental makeover – Lidia

Lidia is another participant who has undergone a makeover at our enel-med dentistry centre. Lidia is 52. She has been dreaming of a beautiful smile with white and even teeth for a long time.

When Lidia first saw our specialists at enel-med dentistry, she did not want to change too much. However, her dream was to improve her front teeth, so that she could finally smile without feeling self-conscious. She was taken care of by the team led by Agnieszka Lenard, DDS, who first decided that a professional hygiene procedure was necessary.

From there on, her teeth were ready for the next steps taken by the dentist.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna Pani Lidia 2020. _1

In Lidia’s case, it was discovered that conservative treatment of several teeth was necessary. Only then were the teeth ready for the whitening treatment. Our expert opted for the laser method that ensured quick results and was not invasive for the enamel. After just one procedure, there was a huge difference in the shade of Lidia’s teeth.

Metamorforfoza stomatologiczna Pani Lidia 2020

During the two weeks that followed, after the colour stabilised, porcelain veneers were placed on the upper front teeth. As a result, their appearance has been significantly improved: the teeth have become whiter, whereas their shape and size have been corrected. Today, Lidia’s smile is delightful. She has regained her self-confidence and has all the more reasons to smile again!

The makeover was carried out by Agnieszka Lenard, DDS.

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