
Dental makeover – Anetta

Presentation of the dental makeover – Anetta

Anetta is the fourth participant of our dental makeover project organised with the monthly Claudia. She is a wonderfully upbeat person who works as a kindergarten teacher. Despite her dreams about a beautiful smile, Anetta previously paid more attention to the health aspect. Enel-med specialists have decided they were able to get the best of both worlds: she would have a beautiful as well as healthy smile.

During the first visit, the team of enel-med doctors led by Aneta Próba-Jarmuszewska, DDS, talked to Anetta in order to learn about her expectations regarding the new smile. During the visit, a clinical examination of the teeth and imaging diagnostics were performed, allowing to determine the scope and individual stages of the treatment.

First of all, Anetta underwent conservative treatment in order to have the existing caries removed and previous unsightly fillings replaced. During the exchange of the fillings, the occlusal plane was also restored.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Anety

After the X-ray during the first visit, it was discovered that the patient also needed endodontic treatment of one tooth under the microscope. This procedure was carried out by Magdalena Dybowska, DDS.  During the next stage, Aneta Próba-Jarmuszewska, DDS, carried out the prosthetic treatment of one tooth, which consisted of replacing the imperfect crown with a new porcelain one.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna Pani Aneta 2

Composite veneers were also placed on the upper and lower teeth, so that the dream of a beautiful smile could come true.

Enel-Med has been taking care not only of patients’ healthy teeth, but also fulfilling their dreams of beautiful smiles for 27 years. Anetta’s makeover is a testament of that.

The makeover was carried out by Aneta Jarmuszewska, DDS.

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Please complete the form below. We will call you back, tell you about the details of the offer and arrange an appointment for you.

    Powyższe zgody są dobrowolne. Zgodę można wycofać w każdym czasie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania dokonanego przed jej wycofaniem. Uzupełnienie i wysłanie powyższego formularza oznaczają zgodę na przedstawienie przez Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Słomińskiego 19 lok. 524, 00-195 Warszawa zamówionej oferty za pośrednictwem podanego w formularzu środka komunikacji. Zgodę można wycofać w każdym czasie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania dokonanego przed jej wycofaniem. Administratorem danych osobowych podanych w formularzu jest Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Słomińskiego 19 lok. 524, 00-195 Warszawa. Więcej informacji dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych znajduje się w polityce prywatności. Prosimy o zapoznanie się z jej treścią.