

Service description

Bonding (also known as flow injection) is a method used to improve the appearance of teeth using special composite resins. It is a less invasive alternative to all-ceramic veneers, indicated mainly in the case of chipped teeth, the desire to improve tooth shape and colour, or to close a diastema. A dentist applies a light-cured composite to the surface of the natural tooth using the layered method, shaping it to the desired shape and length. Finally, the tooth is smoothed to match the natural enamel as much as possible. Bonding can even be carried out during one visit, which is often a decisive factor for patients who want to achieve an immediate metamorphosis. The effects of the treatment are very aesthetic, and their durability with proper hygiene and regular check-ups can last up to 10 years.

Bonding indications:

  • Chips and fractures of part of the tooth
  • Improving the shape of the teeth
  • Closing unsightly gaps between the teeth
  • Colour enhancement
  • Gentle corrections of minor tooth rotations

Contraindications for tooth bonding:

  • Major defects and significant tooth erosion
  • Heavily discoloured teeth
  • Dead teeth
  • Signs of tooth decay
  • Gum disease and periodontitis
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Bad habits such as biting pencils or nails

Contact form

Please complete the form below. We will call you back, tell you about the details of the offer and arrange an appointment for you.

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