
Dental makeover – Anna

Description of Anna dental metamorphosis

Anna (age 55) is yet another smile makeover participant at enel-med stomatology. For years it has been her dream to have beautiful, healthy white teeth.


The patient came to us with a significant number of the teeth in her jaw missing, resulting in the rotation, displacement, and destruction of the remaining teeth.

Anna’s case shows the spectacular effect that can be achieved without orthodontic treatment, which adult patients often shy away from. “Thank you,” says Anna, “now my teeth are as even and white as never before”.

Anna’s treatment proved to be remarkably challenging. She came under the care of enel-med‘s team of experts led by Dr Aneta Próba-Jarmuszewska, who began by carrying out a functional assessment of the stomatognathic system using the Gerber method.

This helped establish the correct occlusal plane and the length and size of the future teeth. At the next visit, using the wax-up method, a simulation of the new smile was performed. Wax was applied to a plaster model of the teeth in a shape that reflected the future veneers or crowns. The next step was to create porcelain crowns in the anterior maxillary segment, a skeletal prosthesis in the lateral segment; composite veneers were used in the mandible.

It was the precision, expertise and dedication of the enel-med dentists that enabled them to achieve such spectacular results, thanks to which the patient was able to regain her joie de vivre and revel in her truly enviable smile.

The makeover was carried out by Dr Aneta Próba-Jarmuszewska

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