
Dental makeover – Kamila

Presentation of the dental makeover – Kamila

Presentation of the dental makeover – Kamila
Kamila (43) is another participant of the makeover project organised by the monthly Claudia. She is a sport enthusiast with a positive attitude to life. She works at a printing house as a customer service manager.

“My self-confidence was undermined by the colour of my teeth. I also felt very self-conscious about the diastema. It is all in the past now, and I smile more often” says Kamila

Two visits were enough to change Kamila’s teeth beyond recognition. The treatment process was preceded by a detailed interview when the condition of Kamila’s oral cavity was verified and her expectations regarding the final outcome reviewed. This enabled the team of specialists led by Grażyna Ciuhak-Iwanowska, DDS, to develop the treatment plan. This was followed by the professional oral hygiene procedure, including scaling and sandblasting in order to clean the enamel and detect any cavities.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Kamila

Kamila’s teeth turned out to be healthy, so the smile could be brightened. To this end, the team decided to use laser whitening. This is a quick method that does not cause excessive teeth hypersensitivity. A whitening gel was applied to the enamel, while the gums were protected with a rubber dam liquid. Then, a laser beam was directed at the teeth. The doctor and the patient were both wearing glasses during the procedure. The whole treatment lasted 15 minutes and, after a break, the entire procedure was repeated two more times. The teeth were instantly whiter. For permanent results, Kamila had to be on a white diet for a few days, meaning she had to avoid food or drinks that could stain her teeth.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Kamilia 2

Bonding was performed during the next visit. The procedure involved composite resins activated with a light-curing unit. This is a method that enables to eliminate malocclusions, rebuild a tooth or (as was in Kamila’s case) eliminate a diastema (a gap between teeth). The results were visible immediately.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Kamila 3

The makeover was carried out by Grażyna Ciuchak-Iwanowska, DDS.

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