
Dental makeover – Katarzyna

Presentation of the dental makeover – Katarzyna

The first participant of our project is Kasia (45) who works in the administration department of prison service. She loves reading crime fiction, listening to music, and dancing.

Kasia’s first visit at the Enel-Med Medical Centre in Warszawa focused on a detailed interview, examination and diagnostics (including X-rays). This enabled the team to develop an extensive treatment plan.

It turned out that Kasia first needed a root-canal treatment of many teeth, removal of existing caries, and replacement of previous unsightly fillings. It was important for her to have a snow-white smile, so before anything else was done, her existing teeth were whitened and then the new crown colour was matched to the new shade.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Katarzyna

Restoring Katarzyna’s beautiful smile forced her to spend many hours in the dental chair, but she does not regret a single minute of it. In order to maintain results of the treatment and the procedures, Kasia was advised to use the professional OralB Genius toothbrush every day. “This is probably life’s greatest gift. I am so happy that after years of seeing makeovers in the magazine, I finally took part in one and can now smile broadly,” adds Kasia.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Katarzyna 2

The preparation of the teeth enabled Aneta Próba-Jarmuszewska, DDS, to start the prosthetic treatment. The first step was to remove a small amount of the teeth and make impressions. They were then used by the prosthetic lab to prepare porcelain crowns and bridges as well as beautiful veneers.  Thanks to the replacement of the missing teeth in the mandible, not only was the appearance improved, but the proper function of the masticatory organ restored.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Katarzyna 3

The makeover was carried out by Aneta Jarmuszewska, DDS

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