
Dental makeover – Lidia

Presentation of the dental makeover – Lidia

The second participant of the dental makeover project organised by the monthly Claudia is Lidia Grabowska (56) who has been working as a carer for elderly people for many years. She spends her free time with her family and friends, and she enjoys cooking. She said: “Teeth undermined my self-confidence the most. I tried not to smile too broadly, so as not to show them.” Today, this is a thing of the past.

It is never too late to improve the condition of your teeth, as you can see on the example of Lidia’s makeover. Beautiful teeth and a broad smile increase self-confidence and break down many barriers, also when making new friends. A smiling, cheerful person is perceived by those around them as self-confident as well as open to others and to the world. Therefore, at Enel-Med Medical Centre, in addition to solving dental health problems, we always make sure that our patients can also show off the visual results of our work. Dental treatment has a positive impact not only on people’s health, but also makes them look and feel younger, improving their self-esteem. Replacement of missing teeth with crowns, bridges or dentures changes the facial features, thus improving the appearance.

Lidia’s treatment process was preceded by a thorough interview during which the patient described her problems as well as her expectations regarding the makeover.

During the first stage, a detailed clinical examination of the condition of her teeth was carried out, and an X-ray image taken. This enabled the team of specialists led by Agnieszka Lenard, DDS, to develop a treatment plan.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Lidia

Medical procedures started with the oral hygiene process, conservative treatment and endodontic treatment of several teeth with the use of the microscope, and were led by Magdalena Dybowska, DDS. The next stage was to carry out an examination to check the correct positioning of the temporomandibular joints with the use of a facebow: this examination determines the position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla, which is very important in order to maintain the normal chewing functions. Based on results of the examination, a prosthetic work plan was developed.

Metamorfoza stomatologiczna - Pani Lidia 2

The final step was for Agnieszka Lenard, DDS, to provide the permanent prosthetic restoration: two bridges, crowns and veneers on the upper teeth, and composite fillings on the lower ones. The entire treatment did not only significantly improve the appearance of the smile, but – most importantly – restored the natural occlusal conditions.  Thanks to the procedures, the patient regained not only comfort, but also a beautiful, naturally white and healthy smile.

The makeover was carried out by Agnieszka Lenard, DDS.

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