
Gum problems

Swollen gums

Gums may be affected by various lesions, so if you notice them, we recommend that you arrange a dental consultation in order to diagnose the causes and start the right treatment. In order to reduce the symptoms, rinse the mouth 3 times a day with an antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. Elgydium, Eludril, Oral-B Professional).

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are caused by an inflammation in the oral cavity, usually due to poor hygiene. Other possible causes include vitamin deficiency, diabetes, certain liver diseases, or improper use of anticoagulants. If your gums bleed, in order to prevent the condition from getting worse, arrange a check-up visit with your dentist to determine the cause and start the treatment. Also, use an antibacterial toothpaste (e.g. Lacalut Activ, Elgydium, Oral-B Gum&Enamel) and an antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. Elgydium, Eludril, Oral-B Professional).

Gum abscess

A tooth abscess is a sign of an ongoing inflammatory process in the dental tissue resulting from a bacterial infection. The process is accompanied by severe, throbbing pain. It requires immediate dental intervention. Failure to start the right treatment on time may result in the spread of the infection (microorganisms attack the periodontium and penetrate deep into the bone). If a tooth abscess is ignored, this might result in having to extract the tooth. Make an urgent dental appointment by calling our helpline 22 23 07 007 or using the app functionality.

Tooth mobility during periodontal treatment

If you have an ongoing periodontal treatment and are experiencing tooth mobility, call our helpline 22 23 07 007 to make an urgent dental appointment. Tooth mobility might lead to tooth loss, so it is vital that you act quickly.

Contact form

Please complete the form below. We will call you back, tell you about the details of the offer and arrange an appointment for you.

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