
Toothache or tooth trauma

Toothache – what to do?

Constant piercing toothache may suggest inflammation of the dentin. This requires a visit to a dental practice. Do not wait until your condition deteriorates! Make an urgent on-site appointment now by calling our helpline on 22 23 07 007.

Tooth trauma (chipping, dislocation)

If the damage to the tooth is severe, makes swallowing hard, irritates your gums, or damages the enamel of the neighbouring teeth, make an urgent dental appointment. An untreated tooth will gradually become weaker, and you will face the risk of losing it. If the tooth has chipped within the enamel and dentin, the broken part might be restored.

Broken tooth

The most common symptom of a broken tooth is severe, searing pain that intensifies when biting or speaking. The treatment depends on the type of injury and the extent of damage to the tooth. If the fracture occurs at the gum line, it is usually possible to rebuild the tooth without having to remove it, even during a single visit. However, if it breaks below the gum line, this usually means a deep and extensive fracture, often requiring multi-stage treatment. Food particles accumulate in the gap left by the cracked tooth, and the bacteria multiply. In both cases, visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Knocked-out tooth in a child – what to do?

Child’s knocked-out tooth can be saved if we act immediately. If this happens, place the knocked-out tooth in a cup right away, and pour milk or saline over it. This will increase the time it takes for the tooth to die and dry out (a knocked-out tooth dries out and dies within 30 minutes). Then, make an urgent appointment with your dentist. In about half of the cases, a well-protected knocked-out tooth can be put back.

Toothache in a baby – what to do?

Baby’s toothache can be caused by mechanical trauma, caries, or eruption of a permanent tooth.

In the case of mechanical trauma (knocked-out tooth, significant chipping), make an appointment with your dentist for an urgent on-site visit.

If there has been no trauma, but the child mentions a toothache from time to time, the reason might be that the tooth is moving before it falls out, or maybe this is caused by deep caries that you cannot seen but which can have unpleasant consequences (swelling, worsening of the pain). Do not diagnose your child on your own! Always visit a specialist for the evaluation. Do not wait – make the appointment now!

Pain caused by erupting tooth – what to do?

If this happens, we recommend that you rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. Eludril or Oral-B Professional) and avoid hard foods. If the pain gets worse or if you notice swelling, arrange a telemedical consultation with your dentist. The doctor will issue an e-prescription or decide whether or not an urgent on-site appointment is necessary.

Aphthae, oral thrush – pain in child’s mouth.

Painful oral thrush and aphthae can appear in the baby’s mouth after antibiotic treatment, infection while feeding, or poor oral hygiene. Oral thrush are creamy white patches caused by yeast-like fungi, whereas aphthae are small, very painful blisters surrounded by a red border. In order to alleviate the pain, use antiseptics available without prescription, selected according to the type of the lesion, its location and the age of the child. If the problem reoccurs, consult your dentist. Make an appointment using the app or by calling our helpline

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