

Description of the specialty

Periodontist is a specialist who deals with the diagnostics and treatment of periodontal diseases. At the initial stage, the inflammation affects the gums, but them it spreads to the remaining periodontal tissues: the periodontium, periosteum, root cementum and alveolar bone.

Consultations with experienced periodontist are available to you at enel-med centres.

Healthy periodontal tissues are responsible for maintaining the tooth in the dental alveolus, cushioning the chewing forces, and acting as a barrier against the penetration of bacteria into the deeper root area

Like other oral tissues, the periodontium is also prone to developing disease. The periodontist deals with treatment of such conditions.

Periodontist – when to visit the specialist?

Contact a periodontist if you observe the following symptoms:

  • reddening of the gums,
  • swelling of the gums
  • bleeding of the gums, either spontaneously or during flossing and brushing,
  • tooth mobility,
  • painful biting,
  • exposure of dental necks,
  • tooth overhangs/tilting,
  • changes in the oral mucosa (nodules, recurrent aphthae).

Periodontal consultation – what does the visit look like?

The first step in the diagnostics and treatment of various types of inflammation and periodontal disease is a periodontal consultation. The doctor examines the oral cavity, collects the medical history of general diseases and information on medications taken, assesses the oral hygiene, the presence of tartar and pathological periodontal pockets, gives advice on the right toothbrush and toothpaste to use, and what diet to follow. If necessary, the specialist also refers the patient to a hygienist for professional teeth cleaning procedures. For precise diagnostics, the doctor orders X-ray scans, e.g. orthopantomogram or CBCT. In some cases, basic blood tests are also necessary.

Treatment of periodontal diseases

Treatment of periodontal diseases can consist of a variety of procedures performed in the dental practice.
Methods of treating periodontal disease (periodontitis)
Professional teeth cleaning procedures carried out by a hygienist using the most modern methods

  • Vector System: it is used for non-surgical treatment of periodontal inflammations. This piezoelectric device cleans deeply embedded tartar and also helps treat inflammation by reducing the number of bacteria. It is atraumatic to tooth enamel and the cervical margin. It is also used in the treatment of tooth hypersensitivity, with an additional preparation acting as impregnation of the surface.
  • Laser: with the use of biostimulation with laser light, each gingival pocket is effectively sterilised. In addition to bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action, laser causes the shrinkage and shallowing of pockets, resulting in the faster regeneration of the gingival attachment and recovery
  • GBT: the Guided Biofilm Therapy is used to eliminate dental plaque present in the oral cavity, and to remove fresh tartar

Periodontal and surgical procedures

Closed or open curettage: one of the methods of treating periodontal diseases. It consists of cleaning subgingival deposits located below 3 mm. It is performed exclusively by the periodontist. Under anaesthesia, the doctor cleans (manually and with ultrasounds) all the deposits found in pathological pockets and between roots, and then removes the inflammation caused by bacteria (the granulation). During the procedure, the doctor uses special antiseptic fluids (chlorhexidine solution for rinsing the pockets) and applies medications that accelerate healing of the gums. After the procedure, the patient must follow principles of exemplary oral hygiene. Without it, it will be impossible to maintain results of the curettage.

Tooth splinting: its purpose is to strengthen the connection of pathologically loosened teeth by means of a special, permanently glued and semi-flexible fibreglass grids that reduce the mobility of the teeth, helping them remain in the oral cavity longer and increasing the patient’s comfort of living.

Guided tissue regeneration procedures allow for the reconstruction of the gingiva in areas affected by its recession (coverage of recession areas, and connective tissue grafts).


These are extremely precise procedures that can be performed using a variety of methods depending on the conditions of the patient’s oral cavity. They are aimed at reconstructing the gingiva in the places where it has atrophied. Gingival recession causes severe hypersensitivity in the cervical margin, preventing the normal consumption of hot and cold foods. Exposed tooth necks are also the area that, when unprotected by the gum, is more prone to caries and wear.

Guided bone regeneration: the procedure of reconstructing the bone by inserting a bone preparation or bone substitute in the place of bone loss. Bone regeneration procedures require increased oral hygiene and attention to overall health, as recommended by the periodontist.

Remember that the treatment of periodontal disease must be supplemented by proper and extensive oral hygiene: brushing and flossing, tongue cleaning and the use of mouthwash.

Consequences of non-treatment:

  • development of periodontitis, a serious periodontal disease: untreated inflammation of gums, as well as accumulated and not removed supragingival and subgingival dental deposits cause destruction of periodontal ligaments and formation of pathological gingival pockets, which may eventually lead to loosening and loss of teeth.
  • the longer you delay the periodontal treatment, the worse the problem will become. Time works against you, especially with progressive bone loss.
  • chronic bacterial infections in the oral cavity can be a serious problem for general health, putting a strain on your vital organs

Contact form

Please complete the form below. We will call you back, tell you about the details of the offer and arrange an appointment for you.

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