vaccinations for adults
enel-med offers a wide set of vaccinations for adults to provide their bodies with extra support. We vaccinate, among others, prior to scheduled surgical procedures, prior to any travel to exotic destinations. We vaccinate people who are at risk and for whom additional vaccinations are recommended. • In general, adults acquire immunity two weeks after the vaccination!
SPRAWDŹVaccinations for children
Why vaccinate your child in enel-med? • We offer mandatory vaccines that comply with the official vaccination calendar. • We provide a large selection of recommended vaccinations as extra protection against common infections, seasonal infections, exotic diseases. • You can make an appointment for vaccination at your convenience and at any time of day. • Compulsory vaccinations are carried out with modern combination vaccines that provide protection against 5 or 6 diseases in a single injection. • We will vaccinate your child in the most pleasant and stress-free environment. • With the 6-in-1 vaccination you can reduce the number of injections to one at the first visit.