Dental treatment under general anesthesia and inhalation sedation
General anesthesia and inhalation sedation involves treating your teeth under anesthesia. Without pain, stress, I restore a beautiful smile in one day
Cosmetic dentist
Cosmetic dentistry deals with the aesthetics of the smile: the alignment of the teeth, their shape, color and protrusion.
Oral cleaning – GBT
GBT (Guided Bioflim Therapy) is an innovative treatment consisting of complete removal of harmful bacterial plaque (called biofilm).
Dental surgery
A dental surgeon is dedicated to performing surgical procedures in the oral cavity. Find out when his intervention is necessary.
Oral hygiene
Preventive dental care, or oral hygiene, is a field of dentistry consisting of all the procedures that prevent the development of diseases in the oral cavity, especially periodontal diseases (periodontitis) and caries.
Implantology is a field of dental surgery that deals with dental implants used to replace missing teeth
Dental crowns
Crowns are permanent dental restorations used when there is irreversible, extensive damage to the hard tissues of the tooth due to caries or loss of the natural dental crown caused by trauma
Treatment of masticatory organ dysfunction
One of the symptoms of the masticatory organ dysfunction is pain in the temporomandibular joint and/or masticatory muscles.
Root-canal treatment / endodontics
Endodontics (canal treatment in other words) is about treating teeth from the inside.

Inlays, onlays and overlays
Inlays, onlays and overlays are either conventional fillings or filings that accurately match the missing tooth tissue.

Periodontist is a specialist who deals with the diagnostics and treatment of periodontal diseases.
Prosthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with the reconstruction of damaged tooth tissues, replacement of missing teeth, and, ultimately, ensuring bright smiles.
Dental prostheses
Dental prostheses are intended to replace missing teeth and restore significant losses in the hard tissue of the patient’s teeth, which are caused by caries, mechanical trauma or periodontal disease.
Paediatric dentist
A paedodontist is a specialist who deals with the prevention, diagnostics and treatment of oral diseases in the youngest patients.
Conservative dentist
A conservative dentist treats caries that results from the presence of cariogenic bacteria affecting the teeth.
Teeth whitening
Perfectly white teeth are not only a sign of health and beauty, but also increase your confidence in life and business.