Periapical X-ray (or dental X-ray) is the basic diagnostic imaging scan performed in dental diagnostics. It enables to accurately visualise teeth with their roots. Periapical X-ray is performed at many enel-med departments across Poland.
Periapical X-ray is one of the imaging scans most commonly performed in dental diagnostics. Thanks to the properties of X-rays, which are well absorbed by bone tissue, it enables precise imaging of the tooth tissue. The scope of periapical X-ray includes up to four teeth.
Periapical X-ray – indications
Periapical X-ray is performed in many cases. Some of the most important indications for this scan include:
- diagnostics of advanced cariogenic lesions,
- diagnostics of mechanical injuries to teeth (fractures, breaks, dislocations),
- planned orthodontic treatment,
- diagnostics of gingival inflammations,
- planned conservative and prosthetic treatment,
- planning of dental surgery procedures.
Periapical X-ray enables to assess the effectiveness of commenced treatment. Sometimes, the scan can also detect unerupted teeth, abscesses or cysts.
RTG punktowe pozwala ocenić skuteczność podjętego leczenia. Niekiedy zdjęcie pozwala wykryć również zęby zatrzymane, ropnie czy cysty.
Periapical X-ray – contraindications
The periapical scan uses X-rays that are not completely neutral to the human body, but the doses used during the scan are so small that radiation does not pose a health risk. Actually, the only contraindication is pregnancy: periapical X-ray is performed in pregnant women only when its diagnostic value is greater than the risk to the baby.
Periapical X-ray – how to prepare?
Periapical X-ray does not require any special preparation. You do not need to attend on an empty stomach, and you can take all your medications as usual. Certainly, you should brush your teeth thoroughly before the scan. At the lab, the specialist performing the scan will ask you to remove your glasses or jewellery located near your face.
Periapical X-ray – course
The scan itself takes a few seconds. You enter the lab, sit or stand in the place shown by the radiologist, and put on a special protective apron that protects other tissues from unnecessary X-ray exposure. If the periapical X-ray is done with a traditional device, you will receive a small film that you will put inside your mouth and hold it down with your finger while the image is taken. If the scan is carried out using a digital camera, a sensor protected by a disposable film is placed in your mouth. The image is taken in a few seconds and is immediately visible on the display.
Periapical X-ray – where to have it performed?
Periapical X-ray is performed at enel-med departments across Poland. Do not hesitate to contact us.
- Do I need a referral?
At enel-med centres, periapical X-ray is performed based on a referral from a dentist.
- Will I receive the proper records afterwards?
Certainly yes! Afterwards, you will receive full photographic records from us.
- Can the periapical X-ray be performed in children?
If there are medical indications, periapical X-ray is also performed in children and adolescent
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