

Description of the specialty

Orthodontics is a field of medicine that diagnoses and treats malocclusions in both adults and children. Our enel-med medical centres throughout Poland offer modern orthodontic services!

Malocclusion is a very common problem among children and adults, unfortunately still much neglected. Meanwhile, untreated malocclusion in children may result, among others, in damage to deciduous and permanent teeth, problems maintaining oral hygiene, and proper crushing of food. In adults, malocclusion increases the risk of caries and periodontal disease, and may lead to dysfunctions of temporomandibular joints. The orthodontist deals with the diagnostics and treatment of malocclusion.

Orthodontist – when to visit the doctor?


  • when teething is delayed,
  • when the child already has full set of deciduous teeth: in order to assess their development, exclude possible malocclusion and estimate the potential risk of its occurrence,
  • when deciduous teeth are replaced by permanent teeth: in order to check whether the growing teeth are properly situated in the arch and whether they leave space for the successive ones.
  • if erupting teeth overlap or are rotated: you may need removable or fixed braces.
  • if the eruption of some permanent teeth is delayed (a deciduous tooth does not fall out, and a permanent tooth does not grow out), in order to check whether a bud of a permanent tooth is missing and to prepare this place for a replacement in the future.


Remember that it is never too late for malocclusion treatment. Therefore, adult patients should also visit the orthodontist if:

  • they have indications for orthodontic treatment from their attending dentist;
  • they want to improve their smile (alignment of teeth significantly affects the appearance; regular and symmetrical teeth give the impression that they are brighter);
  • before implant treatment: some unreplaced teeth may cause adjacent teeth to lean towards the gap, making it impossible to properly place an implant and a dental restoration. In order to properly align the teeth in the arch, fixed braces are used;
  • in the case of certain periodontal diseases based on recommendations of the attending periodontist.

Orthodontic consultation – diagnostics

Accurate diagnostics in orthodontic treatment is essential for its proper planning. Before starting the treatment, the patient has the following taken:

Accurate diagnostics in orthodontic treatment is essential for its proper planning. Before starting the treatment, the patient has the following taken:

  1. X-ray: orthopantomogram + lateral cephalometric radiograph: to visualise bones and facial proportions;
  2. In some cases, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is performed to obtain extremely precise three-dimensional images of the maxilla and the mandible, temporomandibular joints, soft tissues, the course of nerves and vessels
  3. Impressions for plaster models of teeth or 3D scanning, allowing to map the patient’s current occlusal conditions
  4. Photos of the oral part of the face from the outside (exposing the features) and photos of the inside of the oral cavity, taken with small mirrors and retractors (record of teeth contact and alignment).

All of these examinations are repeated at the end of treatment in order to assess results of treatment. Orthopantomogram is additionally taken during the treatment, enabling to make sure that not only the crowns, but also the roots of the teeth are properly positioned.

Braces – the basis for malocclusion treatment

Malocclusions are treated with the use of braces, which in general are divided into fixed and removable ones.

Fixed braces are placed on permanent teeth. They consist of brackets and other fixed elements attached to the teeth, as well as an archwire replaced during visits to the orthodontist. We offer metal, porcelain and self-ligating braces. Treatment with fixed braces lasts several months until the desired effect of the treatment is achieved.

Removable braces are made for children when deciduous teeth are replaced with the permanent ones. They are recommended for children aged 4 to 11. They help eliminate irregularities of erupted teeth, and prepare more space for permanent teeth. They consist of an acrylic tray, wire elements and a mechanism to be fitted by the patient according to the doctor’s instructions. The treatment requires wearing the braces for several hours a day until the defect is corrected or until it is necessary to replace the removable braces with the permanent ones

Clear removable aligners are a modern solution used in some malocclusions. They are aesthetic and transparent, and individually designed for each patient. The aligners must be worn strictly according to the doctor’s instructions and are removed for meals and daily hygiene procedures. Our orthodontic practices offer both Invisalign and Clear Aligner options.

Each orthodontic treatment ends with the orthodontic retention phase during which the patient wears a retainer – a removable transparent acrylic tray and/or ligature wire placed on the front teeth in an invisible place. The retainer is intended to consolidate results of the treatment and prevent the defect from reappearing. Depending on individual conditions and type of malocclusion, the retainer may be used for several months after the treatment or even for the rest of the patient’s life.

What are the benefits of orthodontic treatment?

  • Pretty smile: results of work of the entire team of specialists, implementing your treatment plan step by step.
  • Confidence: you will never be self-conscious about your teeth again.
  • Health: your orthodontic treatment plan includes all your health needs.
  • Personalised diagnostic and treatment plan that you will receive with the cost estimate during your consultation visit.

DID YOU KNOW: Time works against you. The later you start your treatment, the greater its extent and the higher the costs will be.

Consequences of non-treatment:

  • growing extent of defects, progressing with the bone remodelling process that continues throughout your life;
  • aesthetic dissonance: the defect becomes increasingly visible;
  • loosening, decay and loss of teeth, caused by excessive abrasion, crushing and overloading of adjacent teeth;
  • inflammation of the gums and periodontium, common in overloads caused by transferring excessive chewing forces to a lower number of teeth;
  • difficulty treating and caring for teeth: incorrectly aligned teeth provide better conditions for the bacteria to grow in places that are difficult to clean;
  • several times higher risk of caries due to impaired hygiene;
  • headaches and neck pain, making everyday life difficult as a result of overloading the temporomandibular joint.

Contact form

Please complete the form below. We will call you back, tell you about the details of the offer and arrange an appointment for you.

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