Opis usługi
Modern dentistry knows many methods that can improve the aesthetics of your smile. One of them are veneers, or dental restorations consisting of a thin layer of ceramic or composite (depending on indications) placed on the front part of the tooth. Aesthetic dentistry procedures involving veneers are available to you at enel-med centres throughout Poland!
There are several types of veneers. Acrylic veneers are used as a temporary solution, usually while the patient waits for a permanent restoration or other more permanent veneers. They are relatively thick and therefore do not provide the same comfort as composite or porcelain veneers (also known as ceramic veneers). Composite veneers require short preparation time. You can easily change their colour or shape, matching it to the patient’s teeth. However, porcelain veneers are most aesthetic, most durable and longest lasting. Veneers can be used even for 10–15 years without a need of replacement.
Veneers – when to visit the dentist?
A veneer will help solve many problems related to the aesthetics of your smile. There are really quite a few indications for veneers, starting with unsightly crown discolourations, through reconstruction of partially lost teeth, to correction of tooth shape. Certainly, it is the dentist that always decides whether or not to use a veneer, taking into account the individual needs of the patient.
Veneers – indications
Porcelain veneers, which we offer to enel-med patients, are the perfect solution in order to:
- close a diastema (a gap between the upper teeth),
- improve teeth shape,
- correct chipped, fractured or cracked enamel,
- replace unsightly fillings,
- lengthen the teeth that are too short,
- correct irregularities in the position of teeth in the arch,
- aesthetically correct developmental disorders on the front surface of teeth.
Veneers – what does the treatment look like?
Placing a veneer is a procedure that requires several visits to the dental practice. During the consultation, the dentist will interview the patient to determine the existence of any contraindications or risk factors. Sometimes, it is also necessary to treat cariogenic cavities and periodontal diseases, and remove any tartar and deposit (scaling, sandblasting, polishing).
Under local anaesthesia, the dentist will lightly grind the tooth and take a prosthetic impression. It is sent to the lab where a porcelain veneer is made that perfectly fits the structure of the patient’s oral cavity. Once the veneer is ready, the patient will see the dentist who will bond it to the tooth using an extremely durable cement.
Veneers – what happens after the visit?
In order for the veneer to serve the patient well, the patient should follow the dentist’s recommendations after the treatment. For several hours after bonding the veneer, the patient must not bite hard foods, otherwise the veneer might come off. To avoid discolouration, it is also better to avoid coloured foods during that same period.
Importantly, the hygiene of veneers does not differ from the hygiene of other teeth. The oral cavity should be brushed at least twice a day using a toothbrush with bristles of the right softness and fluoride toothpaste. Also, remember to floss the spaces between your teeth, use a mouthwash, and visit your dentist regularly.
Porcelain veneers – where to get them?
Prosthetic treatments with porcelain veneers are performed at enel-med centres throughout Poland
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